This is the Shambler player model by Rikki Knight. The player and weapon skin are id softwares. These files must be in quake2\baseq2\players\shambler or they won't work. Start up a game of Quake 2, and go to the Multiplayer menu. Choose the Shambler model. Tools used: Qme Quake 2 modeller 0.83 Nst v060 The shambler mdl from Quake Time spent: 3 days Homepage: (My skin and models web site) Bugs: none. Comments: This one took a bit longer than my first. On my Quakeguy I probably only did about 25% new animations, but I did at least 40% on this big fella. Pay no attention to the weapon skin being blank with sphere outlines, he doesn't have a weapon. He started out with a shoulder mounted rifle but I scrapped that and chose to have him shoot out his hands, like magic:). Let me just warn ya, this guy is huge. If the player male model is 6 ft. he'd be about 11 ft tall! And that's after I cut his original size in half. But anyways, it looks really cool in the game. A little better model than my quakeguy, cuz I'm a little more experienced now. Hope everyone likes it. email: Thanks: to Kray-zee for some advice on modeling. P.S.: If you guys start transfering skins from Quake conversions for this model, e-mail them to me, so I can put a skin pack up on my skins site. Thanks...